Provenance Cherry Garcia
All Kings are DNA tested for 50 feline genetic disorders prior to starting their breeding careers.
Ocean came from a good friend of mine in New Jersey, Zai Jian cattery. I am so grateful for the chance to have him with us as part of our little cat family. Ocean is a patient observer. He doesn't get his whiskers ruffled very easily and has a very nice mellow side to him. He has a silky soft white coat.
Provenance Mahalo
Tica registered Blue Lynx Point Balinese
Gambades Dragonetti
TICA registered Seal Lynx Point Siamese
We have one Siamese male at our home as well as two Siamese females. From time to time we have Siamese kittens available. Although the same cat breed genetically as the Balinese, the Siamese definitely display different temperaments as seen in their more frequent vocalization and activity level.
The kings of our home are sweet, docile, and beautiful in style, eye color, and bone structure. To me the two most important factors besides health is eye color and personality. A stud male cat has a hard job of impressing the girls, ruling his territory and waiting on me to make the decisions for him. Sometimes that waiting can make them aggressive and fussy. When we were choosing our males we emphasized good character, and we have that here! The boys are lovers not fighters. They groom their girls and coo and chirp at them and protect them. It's a beautiful site to see.
Permes Coffee
TICA registered Seal Point Balinese
Zai Jian Ocean Blue
Tica registered Lilac Point Balinese
Provenance Mahalo was born and raised here at our home. He is a very affectionate boy with a comedic side to him. He has a diverse pedigree of Balinese and Siamese supporting health, temperament and stunning looks; And represents exactly what a Traditional Balinese is.
Dragonetti came to me from a cattery in South Dakota named Gambades. His breeder is a wonderful, honest and ethical woman, who breeds with progressive goals and her best intentions in mind. Dragonetti's blood lines are from a cattery in Florida, Sugars Cattery.
Dragonetti is a gentle boy who really craves the attention of people, especially my husband. They are totally bonded. We are looking forward to his kittens this year!
Siamese Kings of Provenance
Cherry Garcia, a Red Point Balinese, was born right here in our home. He is the son of Provenance Autumn Mist of Tresor Cats and Provenance Prospero, both of whom were born and raised in my home and are retired from my program. Cherry is a very mellow kitty with a heart of gold. He passes on this quality to his kittens. Cherry will be the Sire for all of our future Red point litters as well as the beautiful Tortie Points.
Permes Coffee is quite the gentleman, he is calm and affectionate just like his father, whom we raised, Provenance Domino and his grandfather Provenance Prospero. He is also a very big boy. Coffee was given to me by Louis Azcarate from Permes cattery and has incredible pedigree on both sides which gives him great diversity. It is always so beneficial to the breed when you can work with other breeders to create outcrossed, unrelated lines. Thank you Louis!
Provenance Kings